Hi, I’m so happy you’ve found your way here, welcome!

I’m Hannah. I teach Vinyasa, Hatha, Pre- and Postnatal Yoga, alongside being an Active Birth worker, Hypnobirthing practitioner and mum to my biggest guide.

My yoga practice started over 18 years ago.. 

What started as a form of movement for a gym-loathing teen has blossomed into a way of life that stretches way beyond the mat

Why pregnancy and birth work? As crazy as it may sound, I was drawn to teaching pregnancy yoga before even starting my 200hr Yoga training back in 2015. When I first got into yoga, I would attend a Saturday morning class at Triyoga’s original setting in Primrose Hill.

The class followed on from Nadia Narain’s Pregnancy class, and I wonder at all these beautiful blissed-out mothers leaving class, connecting with this growing life within them - all at different stages of their pregnancy, all radiating with life. I much later discovered my own gentle entry into the world followed on from the huge Active Birth movement that took place in the early 80’s.

My mum was under the care of Active Birth pioneer and Obstetrician Gynaecologist Yehudi Gordon and practised yoga with Active Birth pioneer Janet Balaskas who, coincidentally, I went onto practise with 33 years later in my own pregnancy. A full circle.

We know that all the eggs a woman will ever carry form in her ovaries when she is a four-month-old foetus in the womb of her mother, meaning our cellular life as an egg begins in the womb of our grandmother. This fact always blows my mind. Each of us spent five months in our grandmother's womb, and I love to think now that my daughter was part of this movement and my reason for coming into this work. I too had a wonderful active birth, and brought my girl into this world in the water, a gentle transition for any baby.

I have been fortunate to train with some of the best-loved yoga teachers specialising in women’s health, including Uma Dinsmore-Tuli for pregnancy, Nadia Narain for postnatal, Tiffany Cruikshank for Women’s Wellness and the legendary Janet Balaskas for Active Birth. I have learnt huge amounts from them and many others along the way that have really shaped my teaching style and offerings.

Having worked with hundreds of women as they transition through to motherhood, it brings me so much joy to be of support during this monumental time. I have always been fascinated by birth, the female anatomy, women’s hormones and the miraculous changes the body undergoes to grow, nourish and bring life into this world. Since having a child myself, I also feel passionately about supporting mothers as they navigate through the postnatal period, rediscovering who they are as a Mother after birthing their own family.

My work and aim is to help unveil the innate wisdom that lies deep within you and to provide you with as many tools and practices to really support you - from education, to movement, to breath work, to mindset, to the biomechanics of your pelvis. All are designed to give you confidence and to empower you to have a positive birth experience, no matter how your baby is born.

I look forward to meeting you, whether that be on the yoga mat, with your birthing partner or further down the line with your baby.

Hannah x


  • DipHb(KGH) Hypnobirthing // KGH Hypnobirthing Diploma

    Womans Wellness // Tiffany Cruikshank (on-going)

    Active Birth Teacher Training // Janet Balaskas

    Biomechanics For Birth // Molly O’Brian

    Prenatal Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training // Umi Dinsmore- Tuli & Lisa WhiteTuli & Lisa White

    Postnatal Teacher Training // Nadia Narain

    Yoga TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) for Yoga // Tiffany Cruikshank

    Frog Lotus 200hr Yoga Teacher Training // Vidya Jacqueline Heisel & Carl Faure

    Liberate & Elevate 6 Month program // Naomi Absalom

  • Exploring Integration // John Stirk

    Masterclass & Sacred Dance // Julie Martin

    The Art of Teaching // Naomi Absalom

    Pranayama, Meditation, Hips and Forward Folds // Stephanie Snyder

    Madya // Tara Judelle

    The Franklin Method // Mollie McLelland Moris

    Rasa Yoga - Activation for Yoga Teachers // Sianna Sherman

    Iyengar Yoga, Asana + Pranayama Workshop: Creating Embodiment via the Chakra System // Alaric Newcombe

    Inversions: A Journey Upside Down // Calli Popham

    Prenatal Pregnancy CPD workshop // Clare Maddalena